
Showing posts from May, 2014

2014 Sky View and Seminary Graduate......

Joshua Russel McKenna is an official graduate of the LDS Seminary program of 4 years, and also Sky View High School.  Wahoo he made it!!! Seminary graduation was really a neat experience.  I knew they did the graduations by stakes and I didn't know how I felt about that since when I graduated it was the whole school but it was fun to be with just our stake and be able to spend time visiting with Josh's friends and fellow graduates.   It was also much faster which I can't complain about that. Sky View's Graduation was held at Dee Glenn Smith Spectrum (where USU Aggies play basketball).  It was a pretty awesome site to watch all the graduates walk in their blue and white.   So many amazing kids.  The speeches were fantastic, especially the Valedictorian who is darling and in our ward.   It really was a great graduation and we have grown to love so many of these kids that it was hard on me knowing they will all be going their separate ways and I will miss...

Senior Ball 2014.....

Josh took such a cute girl from our neighborhood to Senior Ball.   They had a great time.  Josh loved it because she is so fun and because they are such good friends, they were both so comfortable.   My job was pretty easy with this dance.  I only had to worry about Josh's suit and the corsage.   They had a very nice dinner at the Gehring's (Josh's very good friend), and then went for dessert and a movie to the Griffins (another good friend) after the dance.   Here's some super cute pictures of Josh with his date, Madelyn Minor.  His last high school dance!!!  Wow this momma's heart can't take much more!

Senior Pics....

I can't believe it is almost time for my baby to graduate.  It doesn't seem real and I don't know if I'm ready for all this.  It's such an exciting time and a fun time but this momma's heart is not sure it's ready to start letting go.  Here's my sweet boy.....with photo cred to my sweet girl, Abi Lou. Love you Joshie.  The time is going by way too fast.....