Spring Sports, Recitals, Activities...
This spring was absolutely insane. I didn't know if I was coming or going or if I would even survive. The kids were all heavily involved in different activities and while it was super fun and great to see them all do so well, I can't say I was sad to see June peak it's little beady head. Thank goodness for good friends and neighbors to help with carpool or there is absolutely no way I could've gotten children everywhere that they needed to be.
J.D. and Nick both played Lacrosse this year and had a great time. J.D. really enjoyed it and his team did awesome. Nick was basically going through what J.D. did last year. He loved it but was still trying to learn the game as it was his first year and at times didn't quite know if it was his passion. But by the end of the season, Nick was getting into his groove and really starting to get the hang of things. I told him he really needs to give it at least two years before he decides for sure if he loves it or not. Nick's team did really well also and he had tons of friends on the team which made it even better. Nick is #56 and J.D. is 78 (red shorts). Way to go boys!! Take a look at the Box Elder giant boy that Nick is just plowing into. No intimidation on size with my Nick :)

J.D. and Nick both played Lacrosse this year and had a great time. J.D. really enjoyed it and his team did awesome. Nick was basically going through what J.D. did last year. He loved it but was still trying to learn the game as it was his first year and at times didn't quite know if it was his passion. But by the end of the season, Nick was getting into his groove and really starting to get the hang of things. I told him he really needs to give it at least two years before he decides for sure if he loves it or not. Nick's team did really well also and he had tons of friends on the team which made it even better. Nick is #56 and J.D. is 78 (red shorts). Way to go boys!! Take a look at the Box Elder giant boy that Nick is just plowing into. No intimidation on size with my Nick :)
They also had a fun camp a little later on and cousin Andrew was able to come. They had a great time! Such great coaches and helpers.
Abi had a great season in volleyball this year and really enjoyed playing for Mountain West. She was able to make the #1 team for her age group at tryouts and was on a team with all her friends and also made some really awesome friends too. She loves it and is getting super excited and super nervous to tryout for the SkyView freshman team this fall. She is going to attend a volleyball camp up at USU in July to help her prepare. Just do your best baby girl! We are so proud of you.
Abi also got to go to Yellowstone this spring for a school trip. She had a fabulous time and learned lots of cool things. Of course I think they played way more than they studied but what a fun thing her school does.
Meili was also involved doing spring recitals for ballet and Tavaci. Both recitals were so much fun and we thoroughly enjoyed watching her fun personality sparkle in each of these events. Sometimes Russel and I just giggle because she is just so dang adorable and has no inhibitions about performing in front of people. It's awesome! She is a true performer.
Oh and I definitely have to tell a little story about this performance. It was hilarious. There was a little song they performed where they wore top hats and had little cane/stick type things. It was a song set to the tune of "New York, New York." Well the singing teachers don't really tell us about what props the kids will be using etc. I thought it would be fabulous to put Meili's hair in two messy buns to hold her hairband in place better. They are awful and slip and slide everywhere and usually the kids are messing with them during the songs, etc. Anyway I was feeling pretty smart about her hairband staying in so well until they went up on stage and had these top hats. I thought Oh no but she managed to offset it to one side and smash it on her head. I breathed a sigh of relief thinking we were safe but nope, not even close. They had to take the hat on and off about 50 times during that song. Well after it had fallen off about 3 times, she stops mid song, looks right at me, leans forward, sticks her little butt back, and sticks her tongue out as far as she can and shakes her little head. Russel and I just bust up laughing. I figured she was just so sick of and just letting us know she was frustrated. I didn't realize it was TOTALLY directed at me for doing her hair like that until the next day when, out of the blue, she says "mommy I'm so sorry for sticking my tongue out at you for fixing my hair like that." Well, apparently I won't be doing messy buns in the future!
Josh was also very involved this spring. He was the girls golf manager again which basically means he gets to golf during 5th hour. There isn't much managing going on. He was also able to get a job at the golf course so the two fit quite nicely this spring. Here's a pic from an early morning when Russel & Josh hit the course.
He also organized a basketball team to play in the rec league at his school. We didn't get very many pictures but I had him do some modeling for my professional photographer, Abi, for the blog.
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