Abi's 14th Birthday...

What a fun time we had this year celebrating Abi's birthday.  Way way way back in July, tickets for the Justin Bieber concert went on sale and since the concert was just a few days before Abi's birthday I thought it would be a great thing to do for her birthday.  So even though the concert was sold out in minutes, I was able to snag a few.  Now I must admit that we are kinda slightly picky about where we sit at the Energy Solutions Arena.  Since we have such awesome seats when we go to the Jazz, it's hard to settle for anything less but upper bowl was all we could get so we just sucked it up and got excited for the big day to arrive.   Well about a month before the concert, our good friend, Paul Welsh (our china buddies), called (he works for Larry H. Miller) and said he had access to some tickets on the 11th row and wondered if we wanted them.....hmmm, well let me think....ummm YA!   We were so crazy excited.

Abi and her awesome friend, Emme, had a great time and even though it was pure torture for Russel he was a good sport.  The concert was great and even though we had to wait over an hour between the opening act and the Biebs himself, we learned later it was well worth the wait.  He needed to stop in and visit a sweet little girl that was in the hospital because of cancer and couldn't make it to his concert.  awwww!

I could not believe the level of screaming in this arena.  The earplugs were definitely a must.

We had a great family party for Miss Abi and as is the tradition as of late, she got her first kiss :)  Meili will be waiting anxiously (have I mentioned how much she loves her cousin Ryan??)
 Make a wish pretty girl....and may all your wishes come true!

We also had a great lunch date.  I grabbed her and a "few" of her friends and went to lunch.  They were all so cute and we had a fabulous time.  
 My sweet Abi girl getting all grown up on me!!
Abi is still our little budding photographer and I am loving it!  She's getting quite good at it and one of these days I'm going to find her a class to take.....once she quits being so dang busy!  Here are a few more pics of her favorite model!

Abi is a sweetheart through and through.  We love her and feel so blessed that she is a part of our family.  Thank you little Abs for being who you are and always standing for the right.  You are a wonderful example to our family and we love you for it.  Happy Birthday Abi Lou!


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