
Showing posts from November, 2012

Nick's 11th Birthday....

Nick is our November baby and thus it is always fun to see how close his birthday gets to Thanksgiving.  Every 7 years or so it even lands on the holiday....the last time being on our cruise in 2007 so he's due for another one here shortly.  This year his birthday was the day after Thanksgiving.  It worked out perfectly.  We had invited my side of the family up to Bear Lake for Thanksgiving and made a weekend of it.  Nick loved spending the day with his cousins and they had a great time.   It also made it extra special to have Grandma and Grandpa and his aunts and uncles there to help celebrate. Of course he requested a Minecraft cake and I'm definitely not a cake decorator.  But after I got finished, he thought it was fabulous and that was good enough for me. Nick is an awesome kid and is always concerned about others.  He loves to make people laugh and frequently does.   We are so lucky to have this sweet boy in our family.  He also re...

Family Pictures 2012...

Family picture day is always stressful.....what's the weather going to be like?  what's everyone going to wear? will everyone's hair turn out okay? will the kids whine and bellyache the whole time? (okay that's a wondering about that).  This day wasn't any different but I tried extra hard to stay calm and the kids did pretty good to be good sports about it.  It's just crazy no matter what you do but we made it through and our photographer was fantastic and was great with the kids.  I just can't believe how much they have all changed since our last pics.

Sadie Hawkin's Dance....

Josh was asked to the Sadie Hawkin's Dance by a darling senior girl, Marielle Larsen.  We were so excited for him.  The theme was Rock 'n Roll.  They had a great time.  Josh is still pretty timid when it comes to dating but we are trying to just keep pushing him along. :)  Oh and just a funny side note.  The jacket he is wearing in the picture, I had suggested he wear since it was a rock 'n roll theme.  He said no probably because what would I know about looking good right?  Anyway, when Marielle came to the door and I saw her black leather vest, I said "Josh you really should wear that jacket."  Marielle told me to go get it and she would vote.  Of course she thought it looked great, so he decided it was alright after all.  :)

Halloween 2012...

I really enjoyed Halloween this year and I'm not quite sure why. We did some fun things and maybe it was just more relaxed. Anyway, it was a good time and I felt bad that I didn't get pics of the older two. Abi was a rockstar and Josh put on a scary mask and stuffed himself. He sat on the front porch and scared the bajeebies out of anyone above 9 years old. I heard the kids before they even rang the doorbell :) Here are some pics of my little make believers... And here's one for turkey day!!