Sky View's Homecoming....

Homecoming included a lot of exciting things. First we had the Homecoming Parade. Not only did we have one kid involved but two this year with Abi being on student council. Abi's school is just for 8th and 9th graders but the 9th graders are considered part of Sky View which means the 8th grade student council kids are also involved.

The little kids were pretty excited....I think more for the candy than anything else.
For Josh, this year also meant going to the Homecoming Dance. He wasn't quite sure he wanted to go but with a little coaxing and finding just the right girl, whose been so cute to him, he finally decided he would give it a go. Of course the kids still have to come up with something creative in order to ask so we came up with a few ideas. We ended up sneaking into her room and hiding an alarm clock, that was set to go off at midnight. On the clock we left a note that said "hope I'm not too late, will you be my homecoming date?" Then we also hid an m&m candy dispenser that had a note that said "be careful what you eat or we may never meet." Then we had written on some of the yellow m&m's Josh's name in marker. Apparently, we got her pretty good. Her mom is a good friend of mine and told us Lexie was so out of it when the alarm clock went off. She was hitting her phone and her own clock. She finally found it and then had to stay up half the night to figure out who it was.
And of course my friend has the reputation of being the biggest prankster. I don't know why I didn't think about that beforehand but man Lexie got him good. We happened to be in Vernal for the weekend and I get a phone call from Abi saying Lexie had answered Josh. She then sent me a pic of a goat!!! I about died. They had made the cutest sign that had reflectors on it that said "this KID would love to go to homecoming with you." Josh was freaking out about taking care of the goat. It was pretty funny. We kept trying to find someone who wanted the goat. Abi loved it and wanted to keep it but Darci (Lexie's mom) got nervous w mountain lion might get it at night so they decided to keep it in their dog kennel until we could find a place. Abi then thought it would be so cool to have the goat be in the homecoming parade. So Darci took care of that dang thing until then and I could tell you some pretty funny things about how animal control was called about 3-4 times because the goat escaped. Too funny!
Lexie and Abi have been like sisters and Lexie always invites Abi to come down and help her get ready for her dances. Josh kept telling Abi there was no way she was going to go help. How embarrassing right? Well I politely informed him he didn't get to choose who Lexie invites down to help her get ready. Hehe... Plus I wouldn't have these awesome pics right?
Anyway, they had a wonderful time on their date. There were about 14 couples so they really had a lot of fun. They went paint balling during the day and then to a nice dinner before the dance. After the dance, Cameron's mom made them some awesome dessert. Josh decided it wasn't so bad after all. I told him I hope he finds a wife one day because he sure looks good with a girl on his arm.

And this is possibly my favorite...we would've never been able to get such a cute one at home. He would've clearly refused. Love it!


  1. What is going on? How can you have a child old enough to go to a dance. Maybe you shouldn't send them when they're 10!! ha ha!
    He looks so grown up and handsome.


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