
Showing posts from September, 2012

Sky View's Homecoming....

Homecoming included a lot of exciting things. First we had the Homecoming Parade. Not only did we have one kid involved but two this year with Abi being on student council. Abi's school is just for 8th and 9th graders but the 9th graders are considered part of Sky View which means the 8th grade student council kids are also involved. The little kids were pretty excited....I think more for the candy than anything else. For Josh, this year also meant going to the Homecoming Dance. He wasn't quite sure he wanted to go but with a little coaxing and finding just the right girl, whose been so cute to him, he finally decided he would give it a go. Of course the kids still have to come up with something creative in order to ask so we came up with a few ideas. We ended up sneaking into her room and hiding an alarm clock, that was set to go off at midnight. On the clock we left a note that said "hope I'm not too late, will you be my homecoming date?" Then we also hi...