McKenna Family Reunion......
This year was an extra special reunion for the McKennas. Many years ago, the McKenna family hosted an Indian brother and sister in their home. They quickly became family and the McKennas grew to love them like their own over the 7 years they lived with them. Sadly, the brother, Harrison, was killed in an accident, but we have kept in contact with the sister, Evelyn, over the years and it's been fun to keep track of what's she doing and what her boys are doing.
Until this year, most of the McKennas had not seen Evelyn and many of us had never met her. We decided it was time so Rich contacted her and made all the arrangements for her to come visit for a few days. She brought one of her sons and her boyfriend with her. It was such a great time to be with them and catch up on their lives. What wonderful people they are.
The kids had a great time with these (for lack of better words or knowledge for that matter) sponge swords. They played for hours together.....until Russel came along.
He's pretty much an oversized kid. He took mercy on no one. At first they were all trying to take him on but at the end they all either stayed on the ground or ran from him. I don't blame them!!
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