4th Of July......

As is always tradition, we headed to Centerville for lots of 4th of July celebrations.  On Tuesday night, we went to the Concert in the Park and Gina's kids had the cotton candy booth this year.  WOW!!!  They were swamped and I thought Gina was going to pass out from all the cotton candy spinning.  Abi was thrilled to help as well as Nick.  They had a blast and got up the next morning to do it all over again.   And after the concert was over we rushed back to Grandma's so the kids could watch the fireworks from the pool.  The view of course is better at the park but really how can you beat swimming in a pool watching beautiful fireworks right above you?  The kids won't have it any other way.

Wednesday morning was the annual Centerville parade which again did not disappoint.  The kids had a blast and of course were scrambling for candy every chance they got.  It's such a fun tradition for the cousins to do together.  It's such a popular thing that you have to reserve your seats hours beforehand.  Grandpa usually goes and sits in the hot sun to get us just the perfect spot.  This year we rotated kids on sun sitting duty and it was great.  Just spreading the fun around right?

And it just wouldn't be the 4th without our big family breakfast which the kids gulp down as fast as they can so they can hop immediately in the pool.  This year Grandpa even set the trampoline up which lended itself to fantastic tricks from the tramp to the pool.

Such a fabulous day.  So grateful for the freedoms we enjoy and so thankful to those who have fought to preserve those freedoms.  We live in such a blessed land.  Our founding fathers were truly inspired of God and know they sacrificed so much to make our country what it is.

Happy Birthday America!


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