Spring Break in Brrr Lake....oops I mean Bear Lake!

This year we decided to spend Spring Break in Bear Lake.  And even though we didn't dare risk hypothermia by even touching a toe in the lake, we had a great time.  The weather was fantastic and we had such a nice relaxing time.  I've decided that's just my perfect ideal of life.  No activities running kids to and from, no rushing to get dinner on the table, no rushing to get homework done, no distractions to take away from what really matters most.  I think I enjoyed it so much because we were able to do things we just don't normally have time to do together.  And everything was just in easy mode.  I had plenty of time to cook and even clean up wasn't so bad when you're not rushing out the door to the next thing.  I'll admit I was a little worried that all week I'd sit and worry about all the stuff I needed to get done at home and all the things I could be doing but MAN I WAS WRONG!!!  I just thoroughly enjoyed every second and didn't even think ONCE about those big old ugly weeds rearing their little obnoxious heads in my flower beds (apparently you can see I've gotten over that and am now constantly thinking about them).  Tomorrow those babies better watch out, this girl will be on a rampage :)

Here are a few little highlights from our fun little getaway!

My sister's family came up for a few days and this picture pretty much sums it up!  We had a great time even amidst the slight chaos of 9 very strong willed children.  They had a great time together even attempted to build a fort in the trees.  Pictures may follow eventually.

The kitchen was pretty much open 24/7.  I think there was at least one child always fixing something up.  But hey it's a vacation right??

This was taken after the last couple of hours of work on the fort right before Gina headed for home.  Somehow she ended up with a couple of my hoodlums stowed away in her car.

So while the boys were gone Grandma Jo came and spent the night.  If you can't tell, Meili ADORES her.  It was a great time.  We watched 2 hours of American Idol (and I think Jo was not too thrilled with that), but we made it up to her by playing "May I/Phase 10" for an hour or so.  Russel worked the next day and she rode back with him.

Abi also had her friend, Jade, come spend a day with us.  The girls had a great time and Meili LOVES hanging out with the big girls.  Abi's friends all treat her like a little princess and she just soaks it in.  These pics were too cute not to put in.....even though Meili was sporting a new fashion trend.

Grandma and Grandpa drove back from Arizona later on in the week and came up to visit.  They brought our boys and a couple of Gina's back for a day or two.  Josh also had some fun with a couple of his friends who were up in Bear Lake for a few days.  They golfed one day and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  They eventually ended up back with us and were thinking Andrew (Gina's 9 yr old) was the bomb.  He was making survival bracelets in every color and size for anyone ordering them up.

As you can see J.D. got at least two.....I think he even connived another one or two.  

As Grandma and Grandpa were trying to leave Andrew's fingers were just a flying to get them finished for everyone that somehow didn't get one earlier.  I think he made about 6 in 10 minutes.  No pressure with Grandpa standing at the door tapping his foot :)
And every year Grandma and Grandpa do a lights out easter egg hunt for the grandkids. :)  This year was really sad (even for me) as Russel was on-call on Easter weekend and we couldn't make it.  It was our first year of missing it :(  But since my kids have the best grandparents ever, they brought awesome bags of easter egg hunt to the kids.  We didn't want to make the other kids feel bad so we hid them once we got back to Logan for the kids to find.  While it didn't make up for missing the real thing, they felt lots of love from Grandma and Grandpa and are looking forward to next year.  

And THANK GOODNESS for basketball.  The boys LOVED playing basketball and this little activity managed to give us some much needed "quiet time."  At least for 10 minutes or so :)

We made it back home and had a wonderful Easter.  We are so grateful for our dear Savior, Jesus Christ.  His sacrifice is our greatest gift.  I am so grateful for the gospel and for the wonderful family Heavenly Father has given me.  I look at these 5 sweet faces in this picture and think I'm just about the luckiest girl in the world!

And Meili was the only one who stayed around for extra pics!


  1. Looks like the perfect way to spend Spring Break. Just relaxing and being with your beautiful children. It makes you realize how crazy busy we all get with life and how enjoyable it is to just SLOW DOWN!


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