Happy Birthday Big Man!!

We celebrated Russel's 41st birthday this month.  One thing I admire about him is that he fully embraces each one.  I, on the other hand, have heart failure every time I realize how old I am about to turn.  In my head, I'm still 17 :)

The last couple of years or so Russel and I have started a little tradition of going to Arizona the weekend of his birthday.  It's the perfect time to get out of the snow and into the sun.  We managed to hit Arizona yet again at a perfect time.  The temperatures were soaring in the high 70s and I couldn't have felt more content.  We took little Mei Mei along and she was just as excited as I was.  She knew there would be some swimming involved.....not to mention she gets pretty excited about the plane ride, although you just can't see the excitement in this picture.   (Just ignore the guy's BEHIND right BEHIND us.....maybe that's why the look of distress on Meili's face.)

We mainly just relaxed and did nothing, went to dinner with friends and family, of course did some major shopping....even venturing as far as Scottsdale (and wondering why the heck we don't venture there every time we visit).  We visited with my sweet Uncle who is battling cancer and doesn't have much time left.  He has fought an amazing fight and is a wonderful man.  It's very difficult to see your loved ones get sick.  I guess I have looked at these wonderful people all through my life and just always thought they'd be there.  In my eyes, they haven't changed a bit.  It's a difficult thing to watch.  We know he is suffering and wants to move on to the next life but that doesn't make it easier for those of us left behind.  Because of our sweet uncle we were able to see lots of loved ones and enjoy their company.  We hope he could feel the strong love that we all have for him.

Russel was able to catch a round of golf with a friend and had a great time.  We took about 2 pictures total while we there and that's no exaggeration....you are seeing the two pictures.  What a gorgeous picture this is though.  That's why we LOVE Arizona.

We got home on Sunday and Russel' Birthday was the next day.  The day started with the kids waking him up with hugs and kisses and lots of Happy Birthdays.  I brought in some YUM-O Temptation cupcakes to his office and stupid me forgot to take a picture.  They were absolutely beautiful....all different kinds in black and white.  Really gorgeous.  The girls really thought they were great.

Meili and I then met Russel for lunch.  She was very excited that it was his "birfday."  It's so fun to see her start recognizing different celebrations and understanding the meaning of why we are doing things.

I invited Russel's mom over for dinner and cake and ice cream and we had a great time.  We decorated the kitchen in Toy Story decor complete with 3-D glasses.  No kidding.....the plates and table cloth were in 3-D.  (We've had a few little mishaps with the camera......after we got the pictures recovered on the SD card, I may have thrown away the card accidentally.  The camera won't work without that card so these were all taken on the iPhone which didn't work so well.....maybe it was the operator...possibly.)

The kids decorated our bedroom door and wanted to get him something special.  They all gave me some of their hard earned money to take to the bank to change into quarters.  Russel loves quarters and collects them in a big huge bank he got for Christmas.  I chipped in a few extra quarters and made the grand total to $41 in quarters.  

I made a gluten free carrot cake which the kids were horrified by the idea of.  How could a cake be good that has carrots in it?  I asked them if they liked zucchini brownies?  Of course they did.  Well, why would this be any different?  Guess what?  After the first tentative tastes, they were begging for seconds.

Russel said it was the perfect day.....I hope so.  We love him and appreciate how hard he works for us.  He is an amazing guy and we are so lucky to have him in our lives.  LOVE YOU!!


  1. Those pictures of the glasses are cracking me UP! That is so cute. Happy Birthday Russel. You are a gem!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! We really miss you guys! I love the butt shot of the guy behind you and Meili!!!


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