Halloween 2011....
Lots of fun this Halloween. We had a full selection of characters this year. We actually lost our pictures from that night (somehow accidentally deleted) so I was able to scrounge up enough to show each child. Meili was a beautiful bumble bee, although she would tell people she was a butterfly....either way she was absolutely beautiful!!!! We met earlier in the day with some friends and went to lunch and then took the kids to the local grocery store to do some trick or treating. They kids loved it.
I had this vision of making something fun for dinner so I remembered a few years back making mummy dogs....I thought they were so cute I'd do it again. It was a crazy day and I hardly time for anything but I made sure to get those little babies wrapped and baked no matter the price. Well of course they were cute and I was just so proud I'd managed to get them done and have them ready before the kids left to go trick or treating. Yay....right? We sit down to eat and I start looking around (now remember I can't eat them anyway so this is all for show and all for the kids), almost every child has ripped off the mummy part and is now just eating a plain old hot dog! WHAT?!?!?! I did all that work and no one even wanted the "bun." NICE!!! New tradition next year.....no mummy dogs :)
Here are our little sweeties.....can you guess what they are? Some of them got super creative this year.
Can you even tell which girl is mine? It took me awhile to figure it out. :) This is Marissa and Abi.
Of course Josh was in normal form....trying to scare all the kids in the neighborhood. He'd go around and sit on people's porches looking like a stuffed scarecrow and then ever so slightly start moving. He scared many including the sweetest little 3-year-old boy. He felt terrible and took his mask off and tried to make amends but the poor little thing didn't want any part of it....do you blame him? Can you guess what the Nickster is? I thought we were pretty darn creative this year coming up with this one and honestly it fits him perfectly. He's still a little shy and I honestly didn't know if he'd really go through with it or not but he did......our little "chic magnet."
Here is J.D. and one of his best friends, Will. It was crazy, they didn't even plan it! We showed up at the school carnival and there they were....TWINNERS!! That must be why they are such good friends.....same brain cells.
Cute. Love that Josh likes to scare the neighborhood kids. He can come scare mine anytime--ha ha!