Snow Day....and Potty Training

The weather has been crazy this year. A few weeks ago we had a great snowstorm.....lots of beautiful, awesome snow. Then we had rain that melted it all away....then we had a week of weather in the high 40s and 50s (which I totally didn't complain about)....and then we had another big snowstorm this weekend.....which was promptly melted by more rain today. Now I'm all for the snow melting early but c'mon we really need a white Christmas. If it's going to be cold and wet, we definitely need the white stuff. Now come March, I'll be begging for Spring but I'm really dreaming of a white Christmas. :)

When that first big snowstorm hit a couple weeks ago, the kids were ecstatic to get Meili out in it and show her how it is done. We got her all bundled up and took her out. She was a little reluctant and resistant at first. She knew she wanted to explore it but was also a little nervous. Well it didn't take much and she was right at home....having a ball. In fact this little bit of information that I'm going to share next brings me to the second topic of our post. She got so busy playing, she peed all through her snowsuit and then started yelling "I pee, I pee." So her little snow day came to an abrupt end but then she realized it's even more fun after the snow playing because Mommy has hot cocoa waiting inside to warm up all the little fingers and toes.

Potty Training 101. Well our little Meili is a star. She completed the potty training course with stellar marks and is actually quite amazing in the potty-going department. For the last few months, Meili has sporadically used the toilet. We've been in and out of Pull-Ups and tried all sorts of rewards but ultimately I decided I wasn't going to stress about it because it was just something that would happen eventually....right? Well, she became a very convenient pee-er. If we were out and about running errands, at a doctor's visit, basically anywhere but home, and she would get bored, she would announce she needed to pee. So we'd take off running for the closest potty and of course most of those days, I would have just put a diaper on her. So here I am trying to balance her on the toilet, hold her puffy coat my purse and any other random objects, squatting myself trying to get her aim right so it's not shooting out the toilet and down her leg....and all scrunched up in a tiny stall. Oh and then try to put the diaper back on while she's standing up. Not so fun. But the moment we would get home, she would just forget all about using the toilet (by this time I of course have a pull-up on her) and just go about using the pull-up as her potty.

So one day I decide that the Pull-Ups are going bye bye. I never used them with my other kids, because well frankly kids are not dumb. They know a Pull-Up is just a glorified diaper. It's really more of a life saver for mom. So I realize that the safety net needs to be removed and we go straight to underwear. Of course I have all the really cool underwear with Jasmine, Cinderella, Belle, etc. I have a little talk with Meili and tell her she needs to keep them dry and tell mom when she needs to go to the bathroom (nothing really that different from the previous weeks), but this time I tell her that we might have to spend a few minutes on her bed if she gets them wet (I know, I know call Child Protective Services). Anyway, so of course she had a little accident. I gave her a little hug and a kiss and told her I loved her but we should probably sit on her bed for a few minutes and think about how we can do better next time. Well, my girl is a super star. She only had one accident after that (I didn't count the snowsuit event since she was just having so much fun). And even now she wakes up completely dry. She is a total CHAMP!!! She's so dang smart....which we knew all along.


  1. What a little superstar she is. Amazing job on the potty training! She is a smart little cookie and think how much easier life will be for you! Hooray.


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