A Little Talky Time and a Very Sweet Reunion.....

Okay so it's been long, almost a month, since my last post. I'm a slacker. There were many times I thought about posting like when Josh had his first golf tournament and although they didn't win, he came in second on his team. Josh had lots going on this month like his new braces. I had hoped to do a whole post just about him but we kept forgetting the camera every time he had his team shirt on and the fact that his golf clubs are in a locker at the golf course didn't help.....or maybe it's just because we don't see much of him anymore and when he is home, we are doing homework. Notice I didn't say Josh is doing homework, but that WE are doing homework. It's been a long month and I feel like I'm losing my mind slightly but there are some very good fun things to report on so we will quickly do those now before I get to experience 9th grade all over again tonight, because you realize this is a nightly occurrence right? mostly well past 10 p.m.,...