Poor Baby....

We learned that on May 21, sweet little Meili fell and cut her head open. She was playing and fell on some door tracks. They had to take her to the doctor and get stitches. They also had to shave a small patch of her hair. She is doing well now but she was very sad and cried hard. Here are the pictures taken after she had been to the doctor.

We received our I-800 approval on the 20th and the NVC letter came on the 27th. We were very excited as this starts the Article 5 process which is the last step before the travel approval. The article 5 will be complete on June 15. The only problem is that we have learned that travel approvals have been extremely slow in coming over the last couple of months. We talked to our agency and she said hopefully things will pick up a bit before it's time for us to go. It was a pretty frustrating day to know how close we are yet really still have no idea when we might travel. We are still praying and hoping things will continue to move quickly. We really have been much faster than we expected so we will continue to hope that it is the Lord's will that we get her sooner rather than later.

This connection with have with Lisa and Meilin is amazing though. We have over 250 pictures and have learned so many things about our sweet girl. She loves babies and loves to hug and kiss them. She is very sweet and will share her toys very readily. She does not like to share her food though. She loves to watch veggie tales and sing along with them. Her best friend is cute Enoch who we would take in a second if China would let us. She is just shy of being 3 feet tall. These little tidbits of information keep us going through the hard times and we just pour over the pictures every chance we get.

Josh has been doing his Eagle Scout project the last couple of weeks and it is has turned out to be very successful. He is doing a fundraiser dinner/bake sale to raise money for supplies needed in many of the orphanages in China. He has raised over $1500.00. His goal is $2000.00 and honestly I think he will make that. The dinner is this Thursday and we have about 150 people coming. There are also many others that have donated that can't be there that night. It is amazing to see people open up their hearts and be so generous in supporting this cause.

Here are a few more adorable pictures that we have received.


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