No words can describe this amazing day! Let me start a few months back. When we brought Linli home this summer, we had 2-1/2 weeks before Josh would be leaving on his mission. As you can imagine, our life was pretty chaotic. We had a farewell to get ready for, a trip to the temple with Josh, family pictures, extended family pictures, making sure josh had everything he needed packed and ready to go, and also just praying and hoping that Linli could survive the adjustment and not totally wonder what kind of life she had been thrown into. We were truly overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouring of love, the generosity of others, and for the huge blessing of watching Linli adjust and fit in seamlessly like she was right where she belonged. We truly witnessed many miracles and even though she only had such a short time with Josh they made an incredible bond….one that is so strong she still kisses his pictures and tells anyone who as...