Halloween 2014.....
It was a blast this year watching Linli experience Halloween for the first time. She was so dang excited. Her eyes were just shining. It was like a dream come true to her. She just couldn't get over the fact that she could go knock on someone's door and they would give her a treat. What more could a little girl want? The other kids had a great time as well. Nick decided he was too old to trick-or-treat so he and Carson decided to help with a spook alley at Carson's. I think they thought it was just as much fun to hide and scare people than to trick-or-treat. And I'm not gonna lie this was the first big holiday since Josh has been gone and it was surprisingly hard. How dumb is that? I don't even really like Halloween all that much and yet it was the hardest day for me since Josh has left. It was weird...but I did send him a cute halloween package with lots of candy decorated like mummies, pumpkins etc. with s...