Little Troll or Little Sweetheart?
I say an absolute battle. When I told Abi I was going to put this picture on the blog, she said "No WAY! I look like a troll!!" But since this is really just a means of journaling for me, she has no choice plus I think it's adorable. I don't even know why I love this picture because it actually hurts my heart a little but there is just something about it that embodies the sweetness that Abi has in her. For some reason, I think this picture shows many things, a little tiredness, a little nervousness, but SO much sweetness. She's just such a good sweet girl and we are so blessed to have her. So on to the reason, she has a bazillion electrodes hooked onto her head. No worries though, she is doing great. It all started over a year ago. I started noticing little moments where Abi would space off a little. In the middle of conversations, she would just quit talking or not respond to what I was saying. I initially thought it was just daydream...